Book Library
With Reading Log+, you can keep track of your entire book library. Easily add your books by scanning your book's bar code or by using the built in search. You can browse the New York Times Best Sellers or enter in your own informaiton manually. If you find something you like while browsing, the app helps you purchase the book directly from Amazon.
Reading Goals
Create one or more reading goals to shoot for. Set goals for pages read, reading time or books read. Use the built in charts to track your progress in real time.
Track Time or Pages
Easiy enter in your reading pages and Reading Log+ will keep track of everything. Do you track time? Let Reading Log+ help you with this. There is a built in stopwatch as well as a built in count down timer. You will receive a notification when your reading time is complete - even if the app isn't running.
Custom Reports
Many schools require students to read a certain amount of time or number of pages per week, asking the kids and their parents to report their reading back to the teacher. While the reading is fun, the process of recording pages and time can be tedious for parents - especially since those hours between school and bedtime are often jam-packed with other activities, dinnertime, and chores. Reading Log+ allows you to focus on the fun through an easy tracking system which will generate a report you can email or print when you need it.
Make sure your data is protected. Backup your data to iCloud or Dropbox. You can also sync between devices seamlessly.
Parental Controls
It won't take your kids too long to figure out that they can make enter in their own time and pages. In fact, this should be encouraged. We feel that it's important to get your kids involved in the process, but it is also important that you have a choice as to whether or not they can edit the information. By turning on the built-in parental controls, you can make sure you approve everything that they do.
Integrated Help
Reading Log+ has a built in help. You don't need to memorize everything at the time you buy Reading Log+. Use the help to get quick access to everything about Reading Log+.